Part Creative, Part Creature: All Copywriter

Samuel Adams Beer

There are few things more Boston than Samuel Adams Beer, few things more intern than coming up with Instagram posts, and few things more exciting than them actually getting posted. Here are some of my favorites.

If the New England Pale Ale were any smoother, it would pick you up on a motorcycle, call your dad “Sir” and have you back home 30 seconds before curfew.

If the New England Pale Ale were any smoother, it would pick you up on a motorcycle, call your dad “Sir” and have you back home 30 seconds before curfew.

We like releasing our Octoberfest in August, because waiting until October is the wurst.

We like releasing our Octoberfest in August, because waiting until October is the wurst.

From the fireworks in the can, to the fireworks outside the can.

From the fireworks in the can, to the fireworks outside the can.

Pour one out for summer, or just pour one into your glass. Don’t waste a perfectly good beer.

Pour one out for summer, or just pour one into your glass. Don’t waste a perfectly good beer.

It’s a good day to IPA in the USA. Happy National #IPADay

It’s a good day to IPA in the USA. Happy National #IPADay

Happy #InternationalBeerDay! We know what we’re drinking today.

Happy #InternationalBeerDay! We know what we’re drinking today.